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The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

How To Destroy A Country

ai-generated-8189191_128_20240422-125030_1 You will all do as you are told!

How to destroy a country may not be an everyday item on the minds of many as they go about their daily lives. Most people living in this country have other things to to think about such as their jobs or juggling the household finances, a big question may be, if they lash out on a treat will they have enough money left to pay the rent or the mortgage at the end of the month? So if the average British person was asked, if they were a leader of a nation that wanted to destroy an enemy nation, how would they go about it? No doubt the average response would be to either bomb, nuke or invade that nation.

However, there is another, more subtle way which, without actually realising it, the people have been living with in this country. The UK has, for many years, been under a far more subtle attack. Sadly, Britain is being destroyed from within without the people even realising so, they fail to see they are under a quiet, undermining attack on a daily basis. We all encounter the destruction of our nation but most cannot see what is being done. When people read in the press about certain things, such as the absurd nonsense of multiple genders, they may grumble about it to themselves, however, as they worry what others will think if they speak out, so in fear they stay silent, which is an indicator of exactly one of the devious ways Britain and many other Western democracies are under attack from the drive for political correctness, woke and the suppression of free speech.

In 1939 Britain and the Commonwealth went to war against German, Nazi tyranny which had sent its storm troopers to overrun and occupy most of Europe. Along with the American's, when they came to the fight later on, that tyranny was defeated and the nations of Europe were set free. Sadly, far more devious people than the Nazis set about to undermine and destroy those nations from within. With pens, paper and legislation a large part of Europe, once again, came under the authority of a single ruling power with not a gun being fired. Legislation was a far more effective weapon of subjugation. This was done by the creation of the European Community and bit by bit sovereign powers to legislate were removed from the nation states to what eventually became the European Union - even the fiscal freedoms of the nations was removed with the introduction of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the EU currency, the euro. No one voted for this, it was imposed by an unelected ruling elite and the people of Europe had no say, they were led like donkeys while being told it was good for them and the love of their nations, their right of self governance and national sovereignty was bad and anyone who believed in self governance was an extreme, nasty nationalist.

Sadly, we too in the UK were part of this anti-democratic madness and, when in 2016 we voted to 'Leave', we were under the impression we were setting ourselves free to return to be a self governing, sovereign democracy once again. Unfortunately, we forgot about the enemy within which has now infiltrated all aspects of Government, the civil service, education and many other institutions.

The question to ask is when did Britain start to come under attack from an enemy within? If historians looked into this they may argue amongst themselves as to when it started, many may say it has always gone on from the days when we were under the rule of the Pontiff in Rome. When we broke free Henry VIII and his daughter Queen Elizabeth I had to face the threat of an internal Catholic enemy who wanted to return to rule from Rome, just as today with an internal body of people who want to return to rule by the EU.

In the 1930's people who joined the Communist Party of Great Britain were encouraged to also join the Labour Party and work their way up into positions of power. By the 1950's many of these Communist moles were in government or positions of influence. Mass immigration began on the pretext we needed people of different cultures and religions here to help rebuild a war ravaged nation, even today we are told we need people from other parts of the world to come and work here. By bringing in people who have no real allegiance to the nation or the faith of what was then very much a Christian nation, they began to undermine the idea of loyalty to ones country as now, we have many millions of people living here whose loyalty is not to the nation they live in but to other parts of the world and other religions.

People are also coming under attack by having their freedoms removed, no longer can you challenge someone you disagree with, it began with people being cancelled and blocked on social media to losing their jobs for giving their opinions. We have even seen the person who commented on social media about trans issues being banned from attending her teams football games. The latest, dangerous, attack on freedom has been imposed by the dictatorial SNP leader who has imposed a very sinister law against freedom of speech in Scotland. I grew up and learned to give as good as I got as a lad when someone had a verbal go at me, now teenagers and kids have meltdowns when someone says something against them. Even the police get involved and prosecute people for oxymoron none hate crimes - it has all gone too far.

We live in an Orwellian world of surveillance with our freedoms under attack, we can lo longer give the absolute fact that there are just two genders without landing in some sort of trouble. J.K. Rowling has bravely challenged this and even those who became rich from her Harry Potter films, due to being brainwashed by the extremist woke invasion, have turned against her, she was their benefactor and they betrayed her.

Due to the workings of the enemy within, who are working to destroy our nation, our freedoms are being stolen one by one and bit by bit, sadly, the majority are going along with it as they now live under a woke tyranny and as such have trepidation to speak out, they live in fear of reprisal from the state and various authorities. The people in London and its suburbs are having their freedom of movement stolen by the arrogant Mayor of London who has made it unaffordable for people who drive perfectly good older cars to go about their daily lives. Similar things are happening in other cities restricting the movement of people. Sinister 15 minute cities and towns are being proposed where people, by having their own transport restricted, are forced to live within a confined space.

The eventual aim is to have total control, many people are giving up voting in elections as they can see they are no longer represented by those elected. The more elected people we have, such as Metro Mayors and Police and Crime Commissioners, as well as the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly, the less say and influence the public at large have. Most people are considered as ignorant by the elites who no longer feel they are there to serve, in their opinion it is the now the people who need to obey and serve them.

When I was young visiting Speakers Corner in London my father told me a joke about a man, standing on his soap box who declared: "When my party is in power you will all be rich", A little chap at the back shouted out: "I don't want to be rich". The speaker ignored this and continued: "When my party is in power you will all own big houses". Again the little chap responded: "I don't want a big house". Now irritated the speaker continued: "When my party is in power you will all have big cars". Again the little chap shouted out: "I don't want a big car". Really annoyed and looking directly at the little man the speaker said: "When my party is in power you will all do as you are told!" Be prepared to do as you are told as Britain is being destroyed from within. 

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Contact us

Director : Robert Oulds
Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
246 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street
London W1B 5TB
United Kingdom
Founder President :
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
Chairman: Barry Legg
Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
Washington D.C. Representative : John O'Sullivan CBE
Founder Chairman : Lord Harris of High Cross
Head of Media: Jack Soames