By Alex Reinshagen on Monday, 15 April 2024
Category: European Union

The Failure of US Foreign Policy

US Secretary of State Tony Blinken has done it again.

As the President's chief foreign policy advisor Blinken has again created damaging diversity and exclusion within the ranks of the lead organization intended to promote Biden's foreign policy agenda.

This month, Tony appointed Zakiya Johnson as the foreign ministry's Chief Diversion and Exclusion Officer. In a statement published last week, Blinken assured Johnson will advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility initiatives. He touted Johnson's "expertise and a fresh perspective on how we build a workforce that reflects America." This expertise seemingly consists of forming two marginally ineffective initiatives – one titled Black Women Disrupt – in addition to being a "Staff Member" on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and six years as a State Department employee staffer, according to LinkedIn.

In August 2020 on The Feminist Leadership Project, a YouTube podcast with a grand total of 59 subscribers, Johnson surmised "A culture of misogyny has allowed men to act without consequence," which is not what you want to hear from an 'inclusion expert.' As a retired Foreign Service Specialist, being subjected to policies which weaken America's ministry of foreign affairs will only lower morale more than it already has.

Tony seems more worried about how US foreign allies and foes view Americas weaknesses than her strengths. On his watch, Russian invaded Ukraine, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and attacked Syria, and Iran launched drone strikes against Israel. But don't blame Blinken. He is taking orders from Uncle Joe who is driving the bus with blinders on. The right side of the bus is hollering to not get the US involved in another war and, instead, protect her southern border with Mexico to stem the flow of terrorists, MS-13 members, and fentanyl while the left side of the bus zealously advocates for allowing boys in the girls' restrooms and locker rooms at school because, well, some boys happen to feel like girls on some days. Never mind what the girls think or feel. It's not their choice and if they are appalled that a teenage boy is showering with them after gym class, they should just get over it.

Uncle Joe has fallen asleep at the wheel, passing warning signs adorned with images of the Iranian flag, freeing up $10 billion which the Iranian regime can use, unabated, to buy weapons, recruit foreign fighters, and wage war against Israel and the United States. They continue to sell millions of barrels of oil per day to China and have become a force to be considered on the international stage. Biden admitted early in his administration the US would go soft on Iran. US foreign policy has proven this stance true and has since assured the mullahs their actions would have no consequence. This week, we have seen physical manifestations of Biden's weak, or non-existent foreign policy agenda.

With the US election in November, world order cannot wait for Biden to be replaced, which is all but a certainty. No, world order needs Great Britain to take the reins and ensure the Middle East doesn't wreak havoc on the world economy and annihilate one another. If King Charles isn't up to the task, it may be time for Prince William to get in the game.

Alex Reinshagen is a contributing writer for The Bruges Group, author of American Diplomat, and a retired US Foreign Service Supervisory Special Agent. He has served around the world promoting US foreign policy for the US State Department including China, Iraq, Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, Palestine, Bangladesh, and the Slovak Republic.