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The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

Leadership Requires a Moral Compass

compas_20250310-181235_1 It's a Clear Choice
With the abolition of slavery, Britain established the West Africa Squadron. Between 1807 and 1860 it seized some 1,600 Portuguese, American, French, and Cuban slave ships and freed 150,000 slaves. Additionally, force was used to prevent African rulers carrying on the trade. An example is the demand that the King Kosoko of Lagos end slavery and human sacrifice. He refused. Britain deposed Kosoko and installed King Akitoye in his stead. A Treaty between Lagos and Great Britain was signed on January 1st 1852. The Treaty abolished the slave trade and human sacrifice. It also provided for free trade for all nations. The enforcement of the slavery ban has been described as the most expensive international moral action in modern history

Britain has a long history of fighting against tyranny and dictatorship. Whether against Spain, France or Germany Britain has expended blood and treasure to maintain freedom. Bonaparte's attempt at conquering the world was thwarted by British Ships, gold and Wellington's army. Kaiser Wilhelm's attempt to subjugate Europe was resisted by Britain militarily and through subsidy of nations like France. It left the country impoverished, but when Hitler went on the rampage Britain once more led the way. The nations gold and securities were shipped to Canada to pay for US armaments. Britain, the commonwealth and Empire fought to defend democracy and freedom. They paid in blood and treasure. Eventually, the USA was forced to fight too when attacked by Japan and Germany declared war on them. Britain freely shared science and technology that the US exploited. There was no demand for gratitude for that. Or for the long period of pax Britannica when shielded by British might and succoured by British inventiveness and investment the USA grew and emerged during WW2 as a great power.

It was accepted and understood that as leader and protector of the free world there was a responsibility. A moral compass that overrode commercial interest and imposed an obligation to help and protect all who were threatened and oppressed. I do not suggest that Britain has been a spotless paragon of virtue. I do suggest that during Britain's Suzerainty of the free world it acted in a fair and balanced way. When Joseph Chamberlain campaigned to end free trade, pointing out that the USA and Germany were growing rich behind tariff walls, he failed because free trade was seen as a greater good. Possibly, if Chamberlain had succeeded the USA may not have made as much money out of WW1. It seems that whatever qualities the present incumbent of the White House possesses, a knowledge of history and the responsibility of power are not among them.

Putin's Russia has clearly defined goals. The recreation of the Soviet Union, reversal of the Alaska purchase and enforcing respect by undermining freedom and democracy. In pursuit of respect and gratitude Putin has unleashed murder and horror on Chechnya, Georgia, Syria and Ukraine. In Ukraine, Russia has used rape, child kidnap and civilian murder. It is clear beyond doubt that Putin's Russia is the aggressor. It is also clear that Ukraine is just another step in the recreation of the Soviet Union. Former members of the Union, according to Putin, have no right to an independent existence.

Right minded people observe in horror as Donald Trump aligns the USA with Russia. Demanding gratitude from Ukraine (who have been fighting the free world's war) and bullying them into unconditional surrender. He demands nothing of Putin, but cuts support for Ukraine, musing that it might not survive. When the American people voted for Trump did they do so in the knowledge that they would be complicit in murder, rape and the abduction of children? Was it in the manifesto? President Trump has decided not to be a great man. For reasons that may not become clear for decades he has decided to uncritically align the USA with Russia. Voting with Russia and North Vietnam was astonishing. Today the USA and Russia demand a meeting of the UN Security council to discuss Syria. Syria whose evil regime was supported by Russia who were complicit in poison gas attacks on its people. By any measure, Russia has lost. Without Chinese money, North Vietnamese troops and criminals from Russian goals Putin would have fallen. The silent majority of decent Russian would be able to create a new life. At a time when a further tightening of the screw would see the end of a regime determined to destroy freedom, Donald Trump rescues it. The USA acts as the protector of aggression and murder.

The Trump administration is demeaning the USA. It insults the memory of all those brave men and women who fought for freedom and democracy. It makes the USA untrustworthy as a partner, not just militarily, but industrially and commercially too. Countries will seek to become independent and that will lead to job losses in the US. Many members of NATO have not pulled their weight. Certainly it was and is correct to demand that they step up. Others, like the UK, always have met their commitment and recognise that more should also be done. When the USA needed help at the time of 9/11 its allies responded immediately to the triggering of NATO's Article five. The free world is a family. It may disagree on issues, but fundamentally the belief in freedom has always been sacrosanct. Until today. Bad things happen when people do not criticise mistakes. They get worse when leaders decide to ignore their responsibilities and ignore the decency of their fellows. Allowing them to do so shames the people's representatives. Those elected to represent them in Congress. The USA was, and hopefully still is, a great nation. Great Nations need a voice. One that proclaims decency, fairness and freedom. For the sake of the world one must hope to hear that voice again soon.

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Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
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The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
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Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
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